

The University of Tartu opened innovative Delta Centre

  Newly opened Delta Centre will accelerate innovation between academia and businesses. The building is one of the most modern facilities for digital technologies in the Nordic countries and it brings together the Institute of Computer Science, Institute of Mathematics and Statistics, and the Faculty of Economics. Around 3 000 students, lecturers, researchers and development […]

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Estonia celebrated the independence day on Monday

  24 February is the national day of Estonia, marking its declaration of freedom in 1918. On February 24th 1918, Estonia issued a declaration of independence from the new Soviet Russia, which was followed by a war with the Soviets to maintain Estonian liberty. Estonians start their Independence Day at sunrise with the traditional flag-hoisting […]

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Estonia’s education attracting great attention due to its success

  The success story of Estonia’s education gained great attention at the Education World Forum, the world’s most important education forum in London. Estonia’s education system is a model example for other countries. This gives a great opportunity to strengthen Estonia’s positive image abroad and increase education export. The Estonian minister had meetings in London […]

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Estonia and USA will be exchanging cyber defense related threat information

  The defense forces of both countries are going to start exchanging threat information via an automated threat information system. The system to be created will be used primarily by Estonia and the US, and other allies will be involved at a later stage, which will strengthen the cyber security of the participating member states […]

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Estonian e-state and the digital policy of the European Union

  Estonian Prime Minister Juri Ratas and German Minister of Justice and Consumer Protection Christine Lambrecht met on Tuesday to discuss the functioning of the Estonian e-state, data protection and the development of the digital policy of the European Union. Juri Ratas and other government spokespeople affirmed the willingness of Estonia to share experience in […]

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Happy New Year from the EU Residence team!

    We wish you and yours a happy, healthy, and prosperous, opportunity-filled 2020. If immigration to Europe is among your dreams, wishes or even plans for 2020 – we are ready and happy to be with you during this process. Feel free to reach out to learn more! To get information how to get […]

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Baltic and Polish defense ministers met in Tallinn on Monday

  The ministers of defense of Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania and Poland met in Tallinn on Monday. Juri Luik of Estonia, Artis Pabriks of Latvia, Raimundas Karoblis of Lithuania and Mariusz Blaszczak of Poland discussed matters of security of the eastern flank of NATO. Among other main topics which the defense ministers also discussed were: -air […]

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Estonia will be presiding country of Baltic Assembly in 2020

The 38th session of the Baltic Assembly will take place in Riga on Thursday. The Baltic Assembly presidency is held on the principle of rotation and Estonia will become the BA presidency country for the next year. Estonia is taking over the BA presidency from Latvia on Friday, and Aadu Must will become the president […]

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President of Estonia participated in Paris Peace Forum

  This week Estonian President Kersti Kaljulaid had a work visit to Paris where she took part in the Paris Peace Forum at the invitation of French President Emmanuel Macron, Kersti Kaljulaid gave presentations at UNESCO’s General Conference and the GovTech summit on e-governance. Paris Peace Forum is a gathering started at the initiative of […]

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Tallinn has got the first road section that contains plastic waste

  A new road based on an innovative technology was completed in the centre of Tallinn. The asphalt cover of this section containes processed plastic waste. This section is built built in front of the Embassy of China, its length is 75 metres and the width is 3 metres. It the first road section of […]

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